Sunday, February 23, 2014

29 months & remembering........

Remembering you Kelsey today and everyday.................

35 years ago today, I said goodbye to my grandpa......20 years ago today I had to say goodbye to my dad after losing his battle to cancer.  Before saying  goodbye, I was able to share with my dad that I was pregnant with Kelsey.  I had just found out that morning and my dad was the first to hear the exciting news. I asked my dad to please watch over and protect my baby always.  I shared with him how sorry I was that he wasn't going to be here to meet his grandchild and watch her grow up.  Dad had shared with me earlier that he wasn't afraid of dying but sad about what and who he would be leaving behind.  I never could have imagined that 29 months ago today that my beautiful girl would be taken from me and that she is now with the grandpa that she never had the chance to meet. Still inconceivable to me to believe that Kelsey is not here but I am so very grateful that she is with my dad and with her grandpa.
                                                                                                                                                                Dad, I know Kelsey is with you and that you are taking care of my girl for me.  I'm sure you are loving every minute of it.   You have always been there for me and you're the best dad ever.   Please always be there for Kels......please take care of my girl until I can be with her again.

I love and miss you both so very, very much.  Always thinking of you each and every moment of the day and praying for the day that we will all be together again.  Love you dad.....Love you baby girl....

Love Mom

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