Saturday, September 27, 2014

Kelsey's Legacy

Kelsey's Legacy Lives on through others.......    
Kelsey's scholarship was established in tribute to Kelsey Lynn Kramer and it is a way for Kelsey's Legacy to live on through the lives of others.  Recipients of Kelsey's Scholarship are asked to share how they have carried on Kelsey's Legacy. 

 Update from Kevin Hoffman, 2012 recipient of Kelsey's Scholarship Award

Kevin Hoffman was a 2012 recipient of Kelsey's Scholarship Award.  Kevin is entering his junior year at Coastal Carolina University with a double major in Finance & Economics.  Kevin did an internship at Merrill Lynch this summer.  

 Here is the story that Kevin shared with us.   Such a wonderful tribute to Kelsey and her legacy ........

Athletics have played a huge role in my life, and it was largely responsible for a lot of the friendships I had..    I met Kelsey through playing soccer at OJR, and needless to say, playing and enjoying sports was something that we shared as friends.  Lacrosse has opened up a lot of doors for me, and it has provided opportunities that otherwise would not have been possible.  That is why I feel as if it is so important for me to give back to the sport and others who may be able to benefit from my abilities.  In South Carolina, lacrosse is really a fledgling sport and the few teams that are available are still very early in development.  There is a lot of interest at the youth level, but the need for coaches and skilled instructors far exceeds the supply.  For this reason, I am volunteering as a youth coach and referee for a local team this summer.  In addition, with the approval from Coastal Carolina, we will be setting up a clinic for the organization to be taught by CCU players this upcoming fall.  This is a great opportunity for not only myself and other players to give back to something that has done so much for us, but it also serves as a great mentoring opportunity for local youth.  It is amazing how much younger children see young-adults as role models, and I think it is great to see college students providing the same leadership that was provided to us in our early years.  Given the effect that Kelsey has had on not only myself but also three other CCU players involved in this event, it is safe to say that Kelsey’s legacy continues to touch more and more people with the passage of time.  
Kevin Hoffman

Thank you Kevin for sharing your story with all of us.  What a wonderful tribute to Kelsey and her legacy........

Update from  Kyle Baker, 2013 recipient of Kelsey's Scholarship Award......

Departing home for college is a scary situation that looms for most high school students. In the fall of 2013, I left my home in Bucktown for my temporary residence at Elizabethtown College. I’m not going to lie, I was nervous. Leaving behind my friends and family who composed a large portion of my life, for a school where I knew only a handful of people. I vividly remember my parents driving through the campus while I glanced out the car window, a million thoughts and worries running through my mind. 
Just after my parents finished helping me unpack, they left and I was truly on my own. Sitting on the bed in my room which my roommate had not moved into yet, I looked down at my wrist and saw my Forever Strong bracelet and smiled. Since Kelsey’s passing, Forever Strong has meant many different things to me. However, one of the biggest lessons she, and the motto, have taught me is nothing lasts forever, except your attitude. After seeing my bracelet, I immediately popped up off of my bed and went to every single door on the floor of my dorm and introduced myself to everyone and had conversations with almost everyone. I’d like to think that was the reason my floor became such good friends throughout the year. When you become faced with new situations, you must remember your roots and be yourself. Throughout the year my floor became the best of friends and had loads of fun together. 
Now, while I have transferred to Penn State Berks, I will never forget the friends I made in the first day of school at Elizabethtown, all because Kelsey gave me the confidence to do what she always did, connect people. I would like to thank her again for connecting me with all of my friends from school and let her know how big of a role she played in my success at Elizabethtown, and how she will no doubt contribute to my success wherever I may end up.

Kyle K. Baker

Thank you Kyle for sharing your memories with all of us.  What a wonderful tribute to Kelsey and her legacy........  

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