Sunday, April 22, 2012

Kelsey Lynn,
My beautiful, beautiful girl.  I miss you soooooooooooo much.  I truly can’t believe it has been 7 months since  the doctors told your dad and I that there was nothing that they could do to save our amazing Kelsey.  Instead, they told us that we should take the time  left to say goodbye to you. So how does a parent do that? How does a mom say goodbye to her precious daughter….I talked to you,told you how much I love you , how proud I am of you, I held you, stroked your hair and told you it was going to be okay and that I am here with you.  I told you that you were my rock and that you are a fighter and that you needed to fight despite the incredible  odds and prove everyone wrong.   I truly believed you would overcome and that I would get my miracle from God. 
 Kelsey, the truth is I said many things to you that day but goodbye is not one of them.  I will never ever be ready to say goodbye to you because you are my daughter and you are and always will be with me and you will be forever.  Kelsey, I will see you again.  Until then, please know that Mommy loves you with all of her heart and soul.  Know that I  miss you, think of you and love you every second of every minute, every minute  of every hour and every hour of every day.   You are forever with me………… You are forever strong, forever loved and forever in my heart…..
Love ,

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